Catechisms for Indigenous People in Alto Rio Negro, Brazil
Catechisms for Indigenous People in Alto Rio Negro, Brazil

The Salesians of Don Bosco have been serving indigenous populations in the Alto Rio Negro Territory in the northwest state of Amazonas, Brazil for over 100 years. This region is one of the most impoverished, underserved, and challenging areas of Brazil. Dozens of different ethnic groups populate the Alto Rio Negro indigenous territory. Most live in poverty, and they lack access to education, medical care, and basic services. Sustainable livelihood opportunities are limited, and the majority work as subsistence farmers and hunters. Their lands in the lush Amazon jungle are also vulnerable to the destructive threats of illegal mining activities which infringe on the rights of the tribes, pollute their waterways, and spread disease. The people in this territory suffer from high rates of malaria, suicide, alcoholism, and sexual abuse and prostitution.

As one of the very few organizations and the only Catholic order working in the Alto Rio Negro region, the work of the Salesians is invaluable to the native communities. In 2017, the Salesians served 2,370 people from their 5 missions, offering pastoral care, education, youth activities, food aid, technical courses, health awareness education, and emergency transportations. The goal of this project is to enhance the pastoral care and youth ministry programs of the Salesians of Don Bosco with the native communities of the Alto Rio Negro Territory. Presently, many of the missionaries and lay catechists use old textbooks or photocopies in their religious education programs. Because catechism is offered freely to catechumens, it is too expensive to purchase new copies of the books, and it can be difficult to find editions that are engaging for young audiences or those with low literacy skills. Thus, many of the catechumens in larger missions must share textbooks or use photocopies (which adds to the costs for the Salesians).

The Bibles and catechisms donated by Aid to the Church in Need will be essential for improving the quality of the faith formation that the Salesians are able to offer. To people who do not have much, providing them with their own copy in their own language to use throughout the year will affirm their dignity and help them engage more fully with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Bible illustrations will help young children visualize and understand Biblical stories as well as aid in the evangelization of the adults who are illiterate—a common problem in the area. Another benefit is that these religious texts will help improve and strengthen the Portuguese reading skills of indigenous young people. Portuguese literacy will be important for them to be able to better navigate Brazilian society, advocate for their rights, and assimilate to mainstream culture and society if they so choose

Amazonas, Brazil
Development Cooperation
Salesian Missions - US
Target group: