Walking Anew!
Walking Anew!

The “Walking Anew!” project will transform the lives of persons with physical disabilities in El Salvador and across Latin America by empowering the next generation of medical rehabilitation practitioners to grant them mobility. By constructing a new laboratory and research annex; modernizing technology; and extending the reach of Don Bosco University (DBU)’s School of Rehabilitation Science (SRS) through an expanded distance learning program, “Walking Anew!” aims to revolutionize the field of Rehabilitation Science across Latin America. DBU’s attention to persons with mobile disabilities promotes the American practice of social inclusion, as treated patients regain their ability to fully participate in society. The use of modern technology for state-of-the-art education showcases American excellence in science, technology, and innovation. The new Applied Research Center created under the “Walking Anew!” project will further pave the way for an exchange of ideas and best practices with the United States and across the region of Latin America, while the modernized distance learning program will expand access to higher education for women and other students who may not be able to travel to the university.

In progress
Start date:
End date:
El Salvador
San Salvador
Development Cooperation
Salesian Missions - US
Target group: